
Emergency Beauty Kit

As a girl, the struggle is real when it comes to making sure you have the necessities when going on a date, or on vacation, or even out …

Light Therapy

Light therapy, or LED therapy, comes with many benefits for the skin and are great additions to skin care regimens. LED therapy uses light energy to penetrate through …

Ultrasound Technology for Skin

There’s an amazing technology that any beauty therapist or Esthetician should be familiar with—ultrasound. If you’ve ever seen a pregnancy ultrasound, you’ve seen images created by sound and …

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

If you’ve never heard of Microdermabrasion, it is an amazing machine that can help to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, increase the production of collagen and elastin, …

The Perfect Blowout

During my education at the Cinta Aveda Institute, I have been assisting at the Zindagi Salon on Grant Street. Absorbing as much as I could in a real-life …

How to Create Boho Curls

The point of Boho curls is to accomplish a style that looks very lived-in rather messy. Surprisingly, achieving a lived-in look requires a fair amount of work! First, …

High Frequency

High Frequency Machine I have recently been using the high frequency machine on my face and have become obsessed. The results I’m getting are fantastic! My skin has …

High Frequency

During CIDESCO, I’ve gotten to work with and learn about a lot of different machines. Out of all of them, I would have to say my favorite is …

Pros & Cons of Waxing

Most women get rid of their hair with a razor. It’s painless, even if you accidently nick yourself with the blade; it’s fast if you do it while …

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