
Safe Manicures and Pedicures

In the age of corona virus, we all have to be concerned about whether our nail salon follows all the safety procedures they should. The average person wouldn’t …

Why is Vitamin C Important?

Time and again, we hear beauty experts praise vitamin C. You probably know that it prevents scurvy—the disease that afflicted sailors on long sea voyages without sources of …

Nail Maintenance

Do you have a really bad habit of biting your nails? Does your manicurist go on and on about how damaged they are and how you need to …

Removing Gel Manicures

When I first started getting gel manicures regularly, I thought I’d discovered heaven. A manicure that actually stayed for two weeks? No way! But after time, my nails …

Winter Nail Trends

During winter, everything is gray damp and can be bleak. One way I love to brighten up my winter is with new nail trends. Here are a few …

Four Ways to Dry Your Nails

One of the most frustrating parts of getting your nails done is thinking you have allowed enough time for them to dry, running out the door, getting in …

A Chip-free Manicure that Lasts

Even though gel manicures are becoming the new norm, many of us girls still prefer the basic manicure with all its flexibility. I like to be able to …

Getting a Manicure

Most people have gone to a nail salon or spa for a manicure. Some places are better than others. I have a favorite place that I like to …

Longing for Lacquer

Cinta Aveda student, Victoria Jones, shares her secrets for keeping up with the obsessive nail trend!

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