
Safe Manicures and Pedicures

In the age of corona virus, we all have to be concerned about whether our nail salon follows all the safety procedures they should. The average person wouldn’t …

Tea Tree Oil Benefits

Tea Tree is native to Australia and its oil has been used and known among the original inhabitants of that continent as a cure-all medicine since ancient times. …

Seven Ways to Drink More Water

Not everybody has a taste for water, but we all need it to ensure that our bodies continue functioning at their best. A lot of people struggle with …

Magical Relaxation

I’m sure I’m not the only one that finds myself feeling overwhelmed and stressed at the end of a busy week of work and school. I’ve explored different …

Christmas? Throw Out Old Cosmetics!

How long should you keep your beauty products? Yes, it’s extremely hard to throw away that favorite lipstick of yours, but after two years it may be hazardous …

Benefits of Sandalwood Oil

For centuries, sandalwood has been highly respected and even worshiped, especially in the Hindu religion, where it is considered to be holy. In every step of life, it …

Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed warms the human body. The seeds need to be eaten as a ground meal. If eaten whole, flaxseed is not digested by the body. But if ground …

Lavender Oil Benefits

Studies have shown that Generation Y is more prone to stress and anxiety. The scent of essential oil of lavender has strong calming abilities which make it perfect …

Surprising Facts About Honey

The uses of honey in Ayurvedic medicines dates back almost 4,000 years. Honey, when blended together in preparation with other ingredients, enhances their medicinal value. It has been …

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