Aveda News

Being an Esthetician

November 22, 2017
Cinta Aveda Blog

Woman Behind Fern, a photo by Allef Vinicius from Upsplash.

Esthiology derives from the idea of helping others express their inner beauty within themselves. I find beauty in helping others discover their own beauty. In the future, I plan to help skin cancer and burn victims find their outer physical beauty by introducing them to botanical healthy products and encouraging a healthy lifestyle to rehabilitate their skin. It’s not easy to be an esthetician; there’s plenty of hard work and dedication with little pay out in the beginning. You can work on multiple clients a day and feel as if no outcome is a given. However, soon you’ll find that your work is making an impact, and you’ll realize that you have the potential to aid people and really help them have healthier skin.

As a future esthetician, my goal is to deliver my knowledge of products and skin care to give someone a healthier skincare lifestyle. After attending Cinta Aveda Institute, my ability to treat and heal has increased exponentially. I now have the confidence to change an individual’s lifestyle as well as my own. Cinta Aveda Institute entrusted me with the knowledge to support my path to reaching out to those in need and aiding them into finding their inner and outer beauty.

My longer term goal is directed towards helping burn victims and giving them a chance to relocate themselves mentally and show them that their physical wounds do not matter to their true beauty. Practicing as an esthetician means a whole lot to me, and I plan on working rigorously to achieve my goals of helping others.

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